Thursday 25 August 2016

Work Experience at Matalan- The production chain from designing to marketing final products

Every season a few of the design team and buying team would go to places such as Barcelona, London, and LA to collect pieces that they could use for inspiration for pieces in collections for the upcoming season. They do this so that they can see what is being done differently in other places, and could it be something that Catalan could emulate and develop. Whilst I was there, the team had just come back from Barcelona and had bought nightwear from shops such as Oysho (a women's nightwear, bikini and lingerie shop), and they had brought back nightwear which could be used as inspiration to design for children's nightwear. Taking these ideas and items, they then discuss prominent features that are continually seen in all garments, then they work with these to create their own designs. The designers are then briefed on what they have to create and then they show their work to the buyers. This happens 2 times per year for the spring/summer collection then the autumn/winter collection. These then discuss whether the right colours/fabrics have been used and make any amendments if necessary. The merchandisers look at sales from previous seasons and point out which items sold best, then these colours/fabrics/motifs may appear again in the next season collection. Once designs have been agreed upon they are then taken to the manufacturer to see if they can make it and what the price would be (usually very cheap compared to what Matalan sell at retail for). The manufacturers create their own patterns using CAD and CAM software (this would include Gerber cutters, experienced pattern cutters and machinists, using industrial sewing machines and over locking machines, also embroidery if applicable). Then the manufacturers make samples and send them back to the buyers to see if they comply with what they have been requested to make. If the samples are correct then they would be sent back to the manufacturers where they would make a batch including different sizes, these should be the final product and are known as 'gold seals' in Matalan. A selection of different sizes of the same garment are then sent to QA (Quality Assurance) to check the fit of them, and that they comply with health and safety regulations. If they are all ok then more are made and sent into stores, if not then the item has to be sent back and see what needs to be changed. Most manufacturers are based in countries such as India and Turkey as these are the cheapest. To manufacture the products it hardly costs anything, that is why Matalan are able to charge affordable prices in store, as they are making profit from using manufacturers in Turkey and India where the labout in these countries is cheap.

Shopping trips to London 

Shopping trips to Barcelona

Shopping trips to LA

Meetings about sales and upcoming collections

Sweat shops in India

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